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Gay Advice: Finding a Partner vs. Finding a Fantasy

I’m like you and you’re like me – we all want to love, but most importantly we want to be loved in return. This is the secret to living a long and successful life, yet we’ve failed to put two and two together when it comes to choosing a compatible mate. I’m…

Advice: Having an Affair with a Married Man

QUESTION:  I am in a relationship with a man who is married. He dosen’t kiss me or screw me like I want him to, but he doesn’t for fear of what I don’t know. He says he is not gay. He says his marriage may be without sex but claims he is solid…

The Effect of Gay Porn in Relationships

Our culture in the gay male community is pretty black and white when it comes to others labeling what defines infidelity. Usually there are some sorts of steps that lead up to these acts: drugs, alcohol or simply a man wanting to be a playboy and not wanting to settle down. Yet…

Gay Relationships: 5 Ways To Make Your Man Happier

We all know relationships aren’t easy, but trying to keep your man happy can be even harder, especially if he’s an insecure person. A long relationship requires a bit of effort. As the years go by (and the honeymoon phase begins to fade), there’s nothing wrong with reaching into your…

The Pros & Cons of Rebound Relationships

Mr. Right Now is never going to replace Mr. Perfect… Rebound relationships are common and always will be so long as love exists, which is forever. Casual hookups happen all the time in the gay community. When we’re going through a breakup, our smart phones are waiting for us to…

The Breakup Letter Strategy

When you break up with a boyfriend, it can feel like your whole world is crashing down around you as you try to make sense of what’s happened, while also trying to keep yourself together as you go through this adjustment. You are grieving, and like a death, you will…

The Distant Partner Syndrome

Question: I’m in a 3-year relationship with a man whom I love very much. We’ve lived together most of that time but he’s recently moved out for financial reasons. Now that we aren’t living together, I’m having a hard time getting him to respond to my phone calls or getting him…

Gay Chemistry: Is It Real?

Sexual attraction is real, but people don’t get that it’s not just about someone being visually stimulating. They have a scent that we as animals react to sexually. And according to researchers, gay men respond to these “scents” the same way women do. Another reason why we’re best friends! Everyone knows…

Gay Relationship Advice: The Controlling Partner

Question: My partner and I have been together for 9 years and we have a problem with control in our relationship. My partner says that I’m too controlling and it’s gotten to the point where I feel like I have to watch everything I say for fear that he’ll think…

Gay Relationships: The Importance of Kissing To Gay Men

I’m one of those people who love to kiss. There’s something about it that not only breaks the ice, but becomes a sign of compatibility. If he’s too aggressive, it might be a reflection on his personality. If he’s too lazy, it might be a sign of major commitment issues.…

Restoring Trust In Gay Relationships

Trust is probably the most important ingredient in fostering a healthy committed relationship and is commonly known to be the glue that cements a couple together. Trust is the endearing faith and confidence that your partner will respect you and not take advantage of or hurt you. It’s a feeling…

Gay Relationships: Are You Lost In Love?

Relationships are a dance in which sometimes one person leads and sometimes the other does. The dance can be awkward – especially if you are first learning the steps or when you have a new dance partner.  Perhaps your partner crowds you and steps on your toes, or maybe he…