Posts About Flirting Tips Archives | Gay Men News

This Hilarious Skit Shows Gays How to Flirt While Wearing Face Masks

Before Miss Rona took over the world and forced all of us to spend most of our time at home in self-isolation and quarantine, flirting was something you can do easily by striking up a conversation with someone or simply smiling at them. But since face masks and coverings are being worn…

Gay Singles 101: How to Make The First Move

We’ve been getting a lot of questions on flirting and how to make the first move. Well, today is your lucky day because we’re going to let you know some tips that will not only get his attention, but also create a curiosity to leave him wanting more. 1. Lock Eyes With…

The Smart Guide to Flirting

Today’s homosexual is just as tenacious as he ever was, except now his options are virtually limitless. Since the birth of gadgets and hook-up apps, we’ve become picky, clueless, and impractical with our people skills. The result? A bar full of flirting retards. It’s not every day we have the…